Employment screening affords businesses higher quality staff, reduced workplace violence, fewer negligent hiring claims and more peace of mind during the hiring process. However, employment screening trends continue to change and evolve.
Here are the top employment screening trends for the second half of 2015 (and beyond):
1. More Stringent and Widespread Screening
Due diligence in hiring is set to become a requirement in many workplaces, not just an option. With so much at stake and the potential of damage to both the financial and brand aspects of a company, employment screening will become the rule and not the exception.
2. Privacy and Data Protection
Increased amounts and availability of data bring more privacy concerns. Both employers and screening companies will step up their precautions and measures to protect the information provided by the consumer.
3. Ban the Box Efforts
“Ban the box” efforts are related to the checkbox on job applications that inquire about the candidate’s criminal record. Ban the box laws require employers to delay asking such questions until after the interview or after a provisional job offer has been given. These laws protect past offenders from immediate exclusion based solely upon criminal record disclosure early in the application process.
While these laws are advocating for more access to jobs, they don’t fully consider the potential hazards for employers who are obligated to hire responsibly. However, a tipping point is near, and employers may stop asking on the job application and rely instead on professional employment screening later in the hiring arc.
4. More FCRA Lawsuits
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) violations and lawsuits show no sign of slowing down for 2015. These suits are related to FTC laws regulating employment background checks. Common violations of these laws are not following proper adverse action procedures and failing to make required disclosures to potential new hires. Because of this, it’s more crucial than ever for employers to familiarize themselves with these laws and abide by them in their employment screening processes.
5. An Increase in Post-Hire Employment Screening Trends
Company insider threats are a very real danger, and they can range from fraud to embezzling funds to workplace violence. An employee may have met background requirements when hired, but their circumstances can change over the course of time. Because of this, rescreening existing employees at regular intervals will grow as an employment screening trend.
6. Creating a Better Interview Experience
Better communication and educating all job applicants during the interview and hiring processes will help with more effective screening and better hiring.
These six employment screening trends are expected to continue as 2015 winds down to a close. Balancing privacy concerns, using employment screening effectively and higher quality communication with applicants can all help to ensure successful hiring.
Disclaimer Statement: All information presented is for information purposes only and is not intended to provide professional or legal advice regarding actions to take in any situation.
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